Chew Valley Library serves the whole of the Chew Valley area. We are volunteer led & based in Bishop Sutton. You can use Somerset or Bristol library cards & return books to neighbouring counties via us.
Not a library member? Problem solved, come and talk to us at the Library.


Saturday 14th September @10.30

If you signed up for the challenge let us know if you have finished and are coming along to our awards ceremony. Keep reading…

Order books via:
Or ring & reserve on 01225 394041 Option 5 (Remember to specify Chew Valley for collection).

An outside picture of the library
A busy morning at the library
A place to meet friends

Opening Times
Wednesday 3.30 till 4.30pm (Children’s Hour)
Thursday 2pm till 4.30pm
Saturday 10am till 12 noon

Ample parking at rear of the building
Easy access & parking for wheelchair users

Free Wifi